Reset Password

This will reset and synchronize passphrases on all systems
A users passphrase must:
  • Be 17 to 64 characters in length
  • Not be reused
  • Expire every two years (730 days)


Firefox Settings

Allow pop-ups from

  1. Go to Tools > Options >Content tab
  2. Click the topmost "Exceptions" button
  3. Enter "" in the text box and click "Allow"
  4. Click OK to close the Options window

Internet Explorer Settings

Enable Mixed Content

  1. Go to menu item Tools > Internet Options > "Security" Tab
  2. Click the "Trusted Sites" icon
  3. Click the "Sites" button
  4. type in * in the text box on the top and click "Add"
  5. Uncheck the "Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone"
  6. Click "Close"
  7. Click the "Custom Level ..." button near the bottom
  8. In the new window scroll down to about the middle of the list
  9. Find the "Display Mixed Content" option and check "Enable" under it
  10. Click OK to close the dialog box
  11. Click OK to exit the Internet Options settings

Allow pop-ups from

  1. Go to menu item Tools > Internet Options > "Privacy" Tab
  2. Click the "Settings" button under the Pop-up blocker section
  3. In the text box on the top enter "*" and click Add
  4. Click "Close"
  5. Click OK
Staging Enabled